Thursday, 8 October 2009

What is Redd?

What is Redd?
It's a way of paying poor countries to protect their forests. Global deforestation accounts for nearly 20% of all CO2 emissions and all previous attempts to curb it have failed. Redd — "Reducing emission from deforestation and forest degradation " would allow countries that can reduce emissions from deforestation to be paid for doing so.
Where did the idea come from?
Papua New Guinea along with nine other countries proposed it in 2005 at a UN climate meeting. It has gained ground and is now likely to be one of the cornerstones of any agreement at the Copenhagen climate conference in December. It would not start until 2013, and could eventually channel tens of billions of dollars a year from rich to poor countries.
How would it work?
Countries would have to show, from historical data, satellite imagery and through direct measurement of trees, the extent, condition and the carbon content of their forests. Verification, reporting and monitoring would be done by communities which depend on the forests or by independent organisations.
Who pays?
There are several proposals. Countries could either be paid by "voluntary funding" — rather like existing official aid given by one country to another, or cash could be linked to carbon markets One plan is for an international auction of emissions allowances and another proposes to issue Redd credits which would be tradable alongside existing certified emissions reductions (CERs). Companies and governments unable to meet their obligations to reduce emissions would then buy them at the international market price. Payment for performance.
What are the problems?
How do you measure the carbon in a forest? There is no accurate data on most of the world's forested areas and so far no one agreed way to accurately measure the carbon content of vast numbers of different species of trees in different kinds of forests. Most forested countries also do not have the money to measure and assess their forests.
What about people in the forests?
Tens of millions of people live in and many more depend on the world's forests for a living. Most are traditionally marginalised or ignored by central governments. But their lifestyles could be drastically affected if governments or carbon companies move in, valuing the forests more highly than them. There are fears of land grabs and forced evictions.
Who owns the carbon?
Land ownership is highly disputed in most forested countries. Governments would have to pass new laws to refine who owns the carbon credits. Land in some countries is owned by the communities but trees may belong to the state. Does tree ownership confer carbon rights? How do you make sure that communities who protect the forests are rewarded, rather than say logging or mining companies who often have the legal rights on trees?
What about corruption?
by corrupt politicians or illegal logging companies. Many heavily forested countries are some of the most corrupt in the world and are home to some notorious logging companies close to politicians. Policing forests is nearly impossible, and money is likely to be diverted by people in power. The likelihood of international money getting to the people who depend on the forests is unlikely. Governments can overstate the case that their forests are in danger.
What if the carbon market fails?
The market price of carbon could collapse if too many Redd credits flooded onto the market. With no financial incentive to protect the trees, people would revert to logging.

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