Thursday, 1 October 2009


LDCs seek for legal binding commitments from the Developed countries to finance climate change adaptations implementation programme
• In the meeting of the Contact group on enhanced action on Adaptation and its associated means of Implementation that took place on 30th September 2009 in conference room 2, UN building Bangkok, at 10:00-11:30 facilitated by Thomas, negotiators from developing countries emphasized and expressed more concern over increased and non conditional funding of climate change adaptation implementation programmes in the vulnerable countries. The Bangladesh on behalf of the LDCs also suggests that the current text in the negotiation document still loose on how urgent and emergent will the implementation funds be available. South Africa on a related note seeks to ensure that an international comprehensive adaptation implementation programme be adopted from these negotiations.Bangaledsh seeks that this fund be apublic fund controlled by parties and at least in arrange of 600 billion US dollars in addition to parties capacity building. Developed countries however, and Norway in particular ,still needs to know from the developing countries which specific actions to be supported in the adaptations implementation programme and also requested this very contact group (adaptation and implementation) to avail linkages in the document to the Financing contact group of the negotiations. Issues of the implementation programme being spear headed by the respective national planning units, sounds more of generic, Norway mentions! Colombia however, emphasizes that in the adaptation implementation programme, indigenous peoples’ representation must be given a higher consideration as well as strategic Information, Education and Communication system. Global south youth, the issue is here on your table, what is our action in support or not, on these upcomings??

By David Ssomwegerere
Energy Crossroads,

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