This has been announced today in ayouth press conference by the International Youth attending the UN climate change talks here in Bangkok.The delegation cited the failure of reaching a committment from developed countries on strong targets, agrowing concern that asecond committment period in the Kyoto protocal will not be secured, and a lack of guarantees for protection of Indegeneous people's rights and interests,in its Declaration.
The current text of the draft climate deal is so weak and so full of "false solutions"-measures like offsetting that actually make the problem worse-it is currently unacceptable.
"Youth are sounding the alarm.These talks have been polluted by self-interested corporations and countries looking to profit off of our crisis," said Joshua Russell from US and Rainforest Action Network. " We can not allow rich countries to use U.S inaction as an excuse to kill United States or any other single country. We see Copenhage n as abeginning, not an ending.We will not accept adirty deal."
One young person from each country, organisers from an international youth climate movement of hundreds of thousands,addressed those attending the negotiations today.
"My people are exeperiencing the severe effects of cliamate change," said Anil Rimal from Nepalese Youth Climate Action."This is happening now, not in 2050 , and people are loosing their lives, homes and livelihoods. We can not afford to delay global action."
"The youth have been looking to the rich developed countries like the EU to take a leading role to secure an ambitious climate change deal in Copenhagen," said Ann Collins from the UK Youth Climate Coalition." They arwe failing us".
With less than two weeks of negotiations remaining before Copen hagen meeting, the pressure is on developed countries to commit to providing finance and atleast a 40% reduction in e missions by 2020. " if they do not, we will witness the derailment of this climate deal in Copenhagen." said Grace Mwaura from Kenya.
Paulina Monforte from the Youth Environmental Network of Yucatan, Mexico countinued by saying " any agreement in Copenhagen must include the numbers 1.5 degrees and 350ppm order to afeguard the survival of all nations peoples."
"Young people all arround the world are working locally and internationally for gueniune solutions." Concluded Gemma Tillack from the Australian Wilderness Society. " We are building a strong civil society and working in our communities and will not give up on a strong and fair climate agreement. We will never give up, because it is our future at risk."
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